Or why we sometimes don’t hear God.

We blame the donkey, but in the story of Balaam and the Ass (Numbers 22), it was Balaam who wasn’t listening. The donkey knew all along. God speaks even through donkeys, which gives me great comfort.

The Pride Earplug

Nineteen times the Lord calls his people stiff-necked. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion” (Hebrews 3:15). When we know best, we dismiss alternatives.

The Mindset Earplug

Jesus continually warned his disciples of his death. They couldn’t get it, because his words didn’t fit their image of a Savior. When I first witnessed a withered arm grow, in ten seconds, I thought it was a fake. Miracles trash people’s mindsets. I had to find another worldview.

The Distraction Earplug

Mary sat at Jesus’ feet while Martha got dinner. Her distraction wasn’t the meal, but her attitude—frustration at her sister’s behavior. Anger, judging others, and jealousy put fingers in our ears.

The Doubt Earplug

He who doubts. . . should not think he will receive anything from the Lord (James 1:6-7), including hearing. We doubt he wants to speak, we doubt he will speak, we doubt he will speak to us.

We doubt our ability to hear, or that we’ve heard correctly. I have found the Lord honors those who step out in faith, trusting him, even if we didn’t get it quite right. Faith pleases him.

Do an earplug test: Are these hindering you from hearing? Because the Lord is speaking, all the time (see my previous blog.)

“Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; but only he who sees takes off his shoes.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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