When we pray for the sick, if we’re honest, most of the time we’re praying in hope—hoping something will happen this time.

At the back of our minds are all those occasions when nothing happened. We prayed for Aunt Elsa. She died. These memories are deadly.

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

Deadly Experience

What we’re really doing is elevating our experience above the word of God. God promises to answer our prayers, and if we lay hands on sick people they will recover (Mark 16:17-18). So what’s going on?

Jesus never commended anyone for their hope. “According to your faith will it be done to you,” he said to the two blind men in Matthew 9:29. He told the woman with the issue of blood her faith had healed her.

Hope knows it’s possible. Faith knows it’s a done deal. Hope knows God can. Faith knows he will. By his wounds you have been healed (1 Peter 2:24).

Hope comes first

Hebrews 11:1 says, now faith is being sure of what we hope for. We must have hope in order to have faith.

We all struggle with faith. Mine goes up and down like my emotions, but to please God there has to be some faith around. As believers, we’re expected to add our mustard seed to the mix. What to do?

Borrow the Lord’s

Some years ago, ministering to some sick people, I came to a man with curvature of the spine. I felt my faith fizzle. “How long have you had this?” I asked.

“I was born like this.”

Any remaining faith leaked through my shoes. I prayed, “Jesus, my faith died. Can I borrow some of yours?”

The man fell to the floor. Five minutes later, he stood. “I am totally healed!”

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