The widow of Zarephath’s son had died.

“Give me your son,” Elijah replied. He (1) took him from her arms, (2) carried him to the upper room where he was staying, and (3) laid him on his bed.
 Then he
(4) cried out to the LORD, “O LORD my God, have you brought tragedy also upon this widow I am staying with, by causing her son to die?”
 Then he
(5) stretched himself out on the boy three times and (6) cried to the LORD, “O LORD my God, let this boy’s life return to him!” The LORD heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life returned to him, and he lived (1 Kings 17:19-22).

Jairus’s daughter had died.

[Jesus] went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and walked around. (Mark 5:40-42)

Israel needed rain.

Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees.
 “Go and look toward the sea,” he told his servant. And he went up and looked. “There is nothing there,” he said. Seven times Elijah said, “Go back.” The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea” . . . the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, [and] a heavy rain came on.
1 Kings 18:42-45

A storm swamped the disciples’ boat.

 [Jesus] got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. Mark 4:39

Elijah had to pray eight times for the rain to come. Jesus just said, “Quiet! Be still!” Three times Elijah stretched himself on the dead boy, twice pleading with the Lord. Jesus just said, “Get up!”

Jesus demonstrates kingdom authority

Jesus didn’t plead with the Lord. He didn’t bow down. He didn’t even pray. He just commanded, and the world obeyed.

Then he passed that kingdom authority to us: I have given you authority . . . to overcome all the power of the enemy. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples . . . teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (see Luke 10:19; Matthew 28:18-20).

Who do you follow? Do you copy Jesus? Or Elijah?

Then what is the prayer of faith in James 5? See my next blog.

You have authority!

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