Psalm 112 speaks of a man whose heart is secure. “He will have no fear of bad news.” The reason may surprise you, for there’s a test. Will you pass?

Our world is plagued with bad news—violence, war, famine, lockdowns, and bankruptcy. It’s hard not to be dragged down with disappointment, worry, or fear. Fear is faith in a bad outcome.

There are two keys to a secure heart.

1) Fear the Lord

The Psalm begins, Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. In other words, faith in a good outcome. Locked down? God’s got it. Not healed yet? God’s got it. Lost income? God’s got it! Bad news? God’s got it.

God is good—he knows what he’s doing, and he’s in control. Whatever the disaster, God has a bigger plan. I’ve read the last chapter, and we win!

2) The not-so-strange test

Who is the one with a secure heart? Psalm 118 goes on. Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely. . . He will have no fear of bad news. . . His heart is secure, he will have no fear.


Generosity endures forever—it’s treasure in heaven. Jesus said (Luke 12:32-34),“Do not be afraid, little flock. . . Sell your possessions and give to the poor. . . [laying up] treasure in heaven . . . For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Secure!

When we’re rich (and most of us are), our wealth can become our security. Generosity breaks the stranglehold of Mammon. When we’re generous, we’re trusting the Supplier, not the supply.

How lightly do you hold your “stuff”? How secure is your heart?

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