He created the universe with simple commands.

God’s power is beyond understanding.

But when Jesus visited his hometown, he could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them (Mark 6:5)—his power constrained by unbelief.

When Paul was in Ephesus, the sons of a Jewish rabbi tried to cast out a demon, which trounced them. The story went viral, and, deeply convicted, the local believers confessed their evil deeds (Acts 19:18) and burned the scrolls they used for sorcery.

Notice the result. In this way, the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power (Acts 19:20). The power of God’s word grew! Which means it was constrained before. What constrained it? The local believers were using sorcery and witchcraft.

The trappings of evil

My wife and I have enjoyed the privilege of ministry in many countries, but everywhere we went we noticed the prevalence of compromise. In Argentina, many churches worshiped a black mary. In Brazil, people painted witchcraft symbols on street corners. Candles, flowers, or dead chickens clustered by every bridge or river crossing.

In India, sexually explicit carvings in lurid colours plastered Hindu temples with demonic faces—angry eyes, protruding tongues, and distorted features. It didn’t take us long to recognise the trappings of evil.

So when we arrived in New Zealand, we were horrified to meet them again. Apparently they were acceptable because it was local art. Today, sexually explicit totem poles oversee river crossings and bridges, wearing the same hideous faces you find in Hindu temples. The same images sprout on the hilltops.

In Scripture, the Israelite kings turned a blind eye to the high places and what went on under every spreading tree. It led to the nation’s downfall and exile.

Good art is godly art

Godly art honours the Lord, his people, and his creation. To accept demonic images under the banner of art not only glorifies the devil, it even limits the power of God.

If they don’t wish to repent, let the ungodly remain in their sin. But there is no place for these things in the house of God. And if we are brave enough to remove them, like Gideon, what power would we see then?

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