

“Commissioned,” Ali said. “We’re commissioned by the star. We can’t go home, Ben.” Ben pointed behind them. “The king’s lying, that’s all. Didn’t you see his eyes?” They left the city gates and passed a lively market. Shouts echoed from the stone walls. Produce cluttered the pavement―melons, onions and pomegranates. They steered their donkeys away from the crowds. A third […]

Myths of Christmas

1.  Stable or Unstable? We gather, smiling, around the stable. Coo over our children, dressed as Mary & Joseph. Grin at Farmer Giles’ real live donkey. Aaaaah! It’s lovely. And good. And incorrect! Luke probably interviewed Mary. He records she wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn […]

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