
The wings of compromise

One thousand women has the flavor of fiction. Even Casanova is only credited with 120. Many believe the size of King Solomon’s harem is posthumous, political spin. But the Bible is true. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines . . . (1 Kings 11:3). Solomon was rich with a well-equipped army, and the local […]

The wages of moral decline

My father’s best man divorced his wife. Shocked to the core, my parents whispered the news so we children wouldn’t hear. Divorce was a dirty word. So was “illegitimate”—a child born out of wedlock in the fifties carried the stigma for life. A decade later we—I identified but wasn’t brave enough to join— embraced the hippie movement: long hair, pop […]

How do you measure success?

Is the BMW in the driveway? The house larger than your neighbors’? Is it finally achieving your fitness goal—losing that weight, running that marathon, climbing that mountain, being selected for that team/job? Prosperity? Or is it, as King Solomon of Israel believed, that the Lord has prospered the nation? The message of the book of Judges in the Bible is […]

Seductive Gold

Visiting a South African mine in 1969, our guide placed a tapered ingot on a table between us. “This bar weighs 30 pounds. It’s worth US$20,000 (about $650,000 today). If anyone can pick it up, they can have it.” My fingers slipped right off as though the metal was glued to the table. The guide grinned. “It’s slippery as an […]

Why is idolatry so deadly?

The Ten Commandments begin: “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol.” Pretty stern, but what exactly is an idol? Other gods are things we’ve not made, like the sun, moon, angels or people. An idol is something we’ve made, images or art, sport or entertainment, as long as we worship it. […]

Toxic Compromise

King Solomon of Israel was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. It was to prove deadly. Worse still its long shadow still cripples us today. His father, King David, promoted him to the monarchy above his brothers. Barely eighteen, he asked the Lord for wisdom. In a dream, the Lord promised he would establish his throne forever, if […]

King Solomon’s wives

Seven hundred, of royal birth? And three hundred concubines? Do the math: he must have had a wedding a week, unless he married them a dozen at a time. It seems so unlikely many commentators have dismissed the figures as political spin. Fake news. But the Bible isn’t fake. Solomon reigned for forty years. According to 1 Kings 14:21, his […]

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