David Warrior

Could you survive as a slave?

The Enigma

  • A man after God’s own heart—who committed adultery with Bathsheba.
  • The man who gave us the psalms—and killed 200 Philistines for their foreskins.
  • The man who conquered Israel’s enemies—who couldn’t manage his family.
  • The man who killed Goliath—who hid from Saul among his enemies.
  • Supremely joyful—deeply depressed.

Research reveals truth

Who was David’s mother? Not mentioned in the Bible. Why not? The mothers of all the other kings of Judah are. (Is Psalm 51:5 a clue?)

Why did David’s father, Jesse, marry a widow? Why did David call his nephews, ‘Sons of Zeruiah’, his half-sister? Who was their (presumably, unmentionable) father? Why was David backslidden for 18 months?

I always wanted to write about the three kings, Solomon, David, and Saul, in that order. I published King Solomon’s Deadly Legacy in 2020, after 5 years of research. I began to write about David, got a third the way through his life, and had a whole book! I therefore plan two more: David King, and David Father.

David the Singer

He wrote most of the psalms. How did David learn the harp (actually, the kinnor, a lyre)? David initiated liturgy. He is the reason we sing songs in church.

The Megiddo lyre, the kind David used
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