Free School of Healing

We have been teaching healing for 30 years, for nothing is impossible with God! Over 4 hours of teaching free. Here is my promise: If you do what Jesus told you to do, he will do what he promised to do!

Gather some friends and run a school yourself. When one group taught this school, everyone was healed! We learn faith by stepping out to do the impossible – knowing we can’t, as though we can. When we are with Jesus, nothing is impossible.

Watch the complete school and then go and do likewise! We recommend using the school of healing manual, a free download on sign up (below), or here on Amazon. Contents:

  • The God who heals (58 mins)
  • What is healing? (58 mins)
  • The believer’s authority (38 mins)
  • How we are healed (51 mins)
  • How to cast out demons (51 mins)

God uses ordinary people. Jesus is our example, and we should do what he did (and not what he didn’t!)

We are commanded to heal the sick. It is not an option for believers.

Healing is restoring creation to God’s original purpose, paid for by Jesus on the cross.

Jesus healed all who came to him, including the ratbags! He didn’t set conditions.

When Jesus gives us a command, he gives us his authority. Freely you have received, freely give.

We have the keys of the kingdom of heaven. We exercise authority by command (not by prayer.)

People are not healed by our own efforts or godliness. No! But we have this treasure in jars of clay.

People are healed by faith in the name of Jesus, and the faith that comes from him.

We have been given the Lord’s authority over all the power of the enemy.

Jesus promised, “Nothing will harm you.”

We have this duty and privilege.

Tens of thousands have been healed in these schools. But they will only be healed if you step out and do it! Let me know how you get on.

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