I am a Christian who writes books and runs JF Ministries, preaching Jesus and teaching healing. Check out my blogs on healing and Solomon. I also love blowing Biblical myths!
Some Scriptures are just plain scary: “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars―their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).I mean, that terrible list seems to include everybody! What’s more, it’s Jesus himself speaking. Are […]
To suggest David was gay, misrepresents both his culture and his covenant. In his lament for his friend, David wrote, “I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women” (2 Samuel 1:26). Many have inferred David had a physical relationship with Jonathan. Culture Homosexuality was […]
Many are confused over our role in spiritual warfare. Should we fast and pray, commanding or binding the principalities and powers in the heavenly realms? The devil’s forces In Daniel 10, the angel Gabriel appears to Daniel, saying he had been fighting the prince of the Persian kingdom (verse 13), and later would fight the prince of Greece. He says […]
(Excerpt from my book Authority) Scripture was never intended to be the subject purely of theological argument or critical analysis, preserved in the formalin of religion, and dissected like a laboratory rat. No! Its purpose is to change lives by revealing the story and fellowship of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and inviting us to belong. […]
The Apostle Paul and his companions were flummoxed. They’d tried to preach in Asia but the Holy Spirit said, ‘No!’ Then they tried Bithinya, and the Spirit said, ‘Nyet.’ Scratching their heads, they went down to Troas to await further instructions. That night Paul dreamed of the ‘man of Macedonia’ begging, ‘Come and help us.’ Excited to have direction at […]
Jesus said he will build his church. So when people want to remove the word, what does that imply? Are we in danger of losing our identity? One day, Jesus asked Peter who he was. Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16). The Lord’s reply is foundational to our faith, but needs […]
I taught Matthew 16 for years, but always shied away from verse 19. The English translations cannot do justice to the Greek tenses, and I am no Greek scholar. But the Lord recently prompted me to go back to it, and I am glad I did—it is life changing! In Matthew 16:16, Peter declared that Jesus is, “the Christ, the […]
Are you being encouraged to fast? If so, make sure it’s for the right reasons. The Puzzles Jesus fasted, but never taught his disciples to. Why not? Jesus said to fast in secret, but later the church fasted together. Why? There’s no teaching on it in the epistles. Why not? The Pithy Parables When John the Baptist’s disciples asked Jesus, […]
1 Corinthians 14:26 says, “When you come together, everyone has a hymn, a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.” Verse 31: “For you can all prophesy…” But when we come together, we sing rehearsed songs, listen to a prepared message, and drink coffee. When do we participate? If we come “for” the worship, the word, or […]