Why are you Fasting?

Are you being encouraged to fast? If so, make sure it’s for the right reasons.

The Puzzles

Jesus fasted, but never taught his disciples to. Why not? Jesus said to fast in secret, but later the church fasted together. Why? There’s no teaching on it in the epistles. Why not?

The Pithy Parables

When John the Baptist’s disciples asked Jesus, “How is it your disciples do not fast?” Jesus replied with three pithy parables (see Luke 5:33-39).

  1. How can the guest of the Bridegroom fast when he’s with them?
  2. You don’t tear a patch off a new garment and sew it on an old one.
  3. You don’t put new wine into old wineskins.

I suddenly saw these represented the three unique promises of the New Covenant.

First, it’s about relationship. We are reconnected to God the Father through Christ the Son.

Second, clothing in Scripture is a symbol of righteousness. We are deemed righteous in God’s sight by faith in the blood of Jesus and his resurrection.

Third, wine is a symbol of the Spirit. Under the New Covenant, we are privileged to be able receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

So why fast?

Therefore, there is no reason to fast to draw near to God. He is already near us, for Christ lives in me (Galatians 2:20). How much nearer can he get?

There is no reason to fast to become more righteous. We are righteous by faith, not by fasting.

Thirdly, we don’t need to fast to receive the Spirit. He is promised if we ask (see Luke 11:13).

Fasting for these things betrays a lack of faith in God’s promises. So when should we fast? Only when the Holy Spirit tells you to! Otherwise, it’s futile. Click for the full story.

The 666 Delusion

Many seem afraid of the end times, of the mark of the beast, and the new world order. Is it happening now? Are you marked? Is the vaccine or chip implant the mark?

There is still much confusion among Christians, and that shouldn’t be—the devil is the god of fear and confusion. For those who love the Lord Jesus, there is no need to fear.

  1. The Lord is in control, working his purposes out.
  2. He’s got your back.

I am no theologian or Revelation expert, but that book gives us great reassurance in these last days, if we read it carefully.

What is the Great Tribulation?

Revelation 7:14 tells us. “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

Who are they? The ‘great multitude that no one can count from every nation, tribe, people, and language’ in Revelation 7:9. These have already survived the Great Tribulation, which must refer to all the problems earlier in Revelation 6—wars, famines, plagues, and earthquakes— but NOT YET the terrible events in later chapters.

(Why does the Lord allow it? To bring the millions-beyond-counting into the Kingdom. It works!)

Therefore, the terrible events after this are NOT the Great Tribulation. They happen only after the opening of the seventh seal in Revelation 8:1, and they are far worse than the Great Tribulation in Revelation chapters 6 and 7.

Why is this important? Because of the mark.

The Mark of the Beast

The marking with the number of the beast, 666, mentioned in Revelation 13:18, happens in the middle of this second period, AFTER the seventh seal. It doesn’t happen now, and it doesn’t even happen during the Great Tribulation.

We also know this is AFTER the rapture, because in Revelation 14:6 we read that an angel has the eternal gospel to proclaim. Why?

The story of Cornelius in Acts 10 tells us angels don’t have the authority to proclaim the gospel. That’s our responsibility. While the church is on earth, angels cannot preach the gospel. But God so loves the world that even after we’re raptured, he commands the angel to preach, in the hope of saving the last few.

Therefore, the rapture must happen before this—either before or after the Great Tribulation.  So the beast cannot mark people now—not until after the rapture. So chill out, if Jesus is your Lord, you won’t be around!

God’s got your back

During the Great Tribulation of Revelation 6 & 7, God puts his own seal on 144,000, before the action (see Revelation 7:3-4), so that they would not be harmed at that time. Notice these are from all the tribes of Israel, so God is making special provision for these few. The angels in charge of the destruction could not harm them, once they had God’s seal.

But it gets better! If you are baptised in the Holy Spirit, you are already marked. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory (Ephesians 1:13-14).

I’ll say it again: the angels in charge of destruction cannot harm those with God’s seal.

So we don’t need to fear the beast’s number, 666. It is NOT the vaccine or any electronic tag or insert. It will NOT happen until after the Great Tribulation (which hasn’t happened yet—we’d know if it had!)

Furthermore, if you are filled with the Spirit, you are already marked, and your inheritance is guaranteed.

If you are not yet a Christian, may I implore you to humble yourself before the Lord, ask the Father to forgive your sins, and call on the name of Jesus, before it’s too late. Plead with him to fill you with his Spirit. God is faithful, and he will do it.

If you want to study further, I recommend my book, The Seven Seals of the Holy Spirit.

How to understand the Bible

Cleopas and his friend couldn’t

They walked with Jesus for half a day, but didn’t recognize him. After all, he was dead. Jesus even explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. Despite their hearts burning within them, they still didn’t understand.

Over the evening meal, Jesus gave thanks, broke bread, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened (Luke 24:31). It WAS him! He must have risen from the dead. They were so excited, they abandoned their dinner and rushed back to tell the disciples in Jerusalem.

While they were still talking, Jesus appeared again and confirmed the reality of his resurrection by eating their fish supper! What do we read next? Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures (Luke 24:45).

A necessary sequence of events

When we read a ‘then’, ask what the ‘then’ is for—a necessary sequence of events. When they thought he was dead, they didn’t recognize him or understand the Scriptures.

Only when their eyes were opened could they see the resurrected Jesus. And only when they KNEW he lived could he open their minds.

We cannot understand Scripture until we KNOW Jesus has risen from the dead. First, we must know he’s real. Then we must know he’s alive. Then, and only then, will the Bible make sense to us. Not only that, but our hearts too will burn as we discover Jesus in its pages.

That’s why the Scriptures are a closed book to unbelievers and such a joy to those who love Jesus.

What will 2021 look like?

Ilona Panych, Unsplash

No one but the Lord and his servants, the prophets, could have foreseen 2020. What will 2021 bring? Will it be more of the same? Or worse?

I believe the darkness will get darker, but the light will therefore shine brighter. 

People will be more confused, seeking answers. Those who’ve been distracted by life’s pleasures, wealth, or worries will stop and listen.

There’ll also be an increase in the move of the supernatural that will even attract sceptics. This is what I believe the Lord is saying:

“I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness (Isaiah 42:6-7).

The opportunities to share the gospel will multiply. Let us be bold!  Let us resolve to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified, with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power so that people’s faith may not rest on men’s wisdom but on God’s power.

I pray the Lord brings you divine appointments, stirs your courage, and equips you will his supernatural power beyond anything you’ve experienced so that 2021 will be a year of harvest for the Kingdom of God.

With many blessings,

John Fergusson

Don’t do what Jesus didn’t!

It came as a shock to realize Jesus didn’t pray. I don’t mean he didn’t pray to the Father―of course he did. I mean he didn’t pray when healing the sick. Really?

At the Last Supper, Jesus took a towel and bowl, knelt before his disciples and washed their feet, the job of the lowest slave. They were horrified. Peter argued, but finally agreed. Afterwards, Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:15).

Washing feet symbolizes both servanthood and forgiveness. But the principle of example applies to his whole ministry, for Jesus also said (Luke 6:40), Everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.”

To be like Jesus, we should do what he did and not what he didn’t!

Five things Jesus didn’t do

  • He didn’t pray when he healed the sick – he just healed them.
  • He never told us to pray for them. He told us to heal them: Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you’” (Luke 10:9).
  • He never told anyone they were too sinful to be healed. There must have been some ratbags in the crowds, but he healed those who needed healing (Luke 9:11).
  • He never said any disease was too hard. He cleansed lepers and raised the dead.
  • He never set conditions before healing.

 Therefore we shouldn’t expect people to become Christians before they’re healed. We should be willing to minister healing to the cases we consider hard. They’re not hard for God! We should welcome the ruffians, the outcasts and the ratbags.

And when we minister healing, we shouldn’t pray to the Father. The disciples didn’t. But aren’t we told to pray in James 5? True, but that’s a special case, and the subject of a future blog.