Biblical Insights

Revelation of Scriptures

Lord, was that you?

The Apostle Paul and his companions were flummoxed. They’d tried to preach in Asia but the Holy Spirit said, ‘No!’ Then they tried Bithinya, and the Spirit said, ‘Nyet.’ Scratching their heads, they went down to Troas to await further instructions. That night Paul dreamed of the ‘man of Macedonia’ begging, ‘Come and help us.’ Excited to have direction at […]

Why are you Fasting?

Are you being encouraged to fast? If so, make sure it’s for the right reasons. The Puzzles Jesus fasted, but never taught his disciples to. Why not? Jesus said to fast in secret, but later the church fasted together. Why? There’s no teaching on it in the epistles. Why not? The Pithy Parables When John the Baptist’s disciples asked Jesus, […]

The 666 Delusion

Many seem afraid of the end times, of the mark of the beast, and the new world order. Is it happening now? Are you marked? Is the vaccine or chip implant the mark? There is still much confusion among Christians, and that shouldn’t be—the devil is the god of fear and confusion. For those who love the Lord Jesus, there […]

What will 2021 look like?

No one but the Lord and his servants, the prophets, could have foreseen 2020. What will 2021 bring? Will it be more of the same? Or worse? I believe the darkness will get darker, but the light will therefore shine brighter.  People will be more confused, seeking answers. Those who’ve been distracted by life’s pleasures, wealth, or worries will stop […]

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