To suggest David was gay, misrepresents both his culture and his covenant. In his lament for his friend, David wrote, “I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women” (2 Samuel 1:26). Many have inferred David had a physical relationship with Jonathan. Culture Homosexuality was […]
Many are confused over our role in spiritual warfare. Should we fast and pray, commanding or binding the principalities and powers in the heavenly realms? The devil’s forces In Daniel 10, the angel Gabriel appears to Daniel, saying he had been fighting the prince of the Persian kingdom (verse 13), and later would fight the prince of Greece. He says […]
Cleopas and his friend couldn’t They walked with Jesus for half a day, but didn’t recognize him. After all, he was dead. Jesus even explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. Despite their hearts burning within them, they still didn’t understand. Over the evening meal, Jesus gave thanks, broke bread, and gave it to them. […]
They were Peter, Andrew, James and John, weren’t they? We know the story in Mark chapter 1: walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, Jesus called to the fishermen, “Come, follow me!” My Bible even heads the passage, THE CALLING OF THE FIRST DISCIPLES. And for years I thought so too. But they weren’t! Because in verse 14 Mark begins […]
1. Stable or Unstable? We gather, smiling, around the stable. Coo over our children, dressed as Mary & Joseph. Grin at Farmer Giles’ real live donkey. Aaaaah! It’s lovely. And good. And incorrect! Luke probably interviewed Mary. He records she wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn […]
“But surely, John, the devil was the archangel in charge of worship? Which is why there are so many evil songs!” Well, er, no. First, there is only one archangel mentioned in the Scriptures―Michael (Jude 9), who is also called a ‘chief prince’ (Daniel 10:13). Revelation 9:11 says the devil is the ‘angel of the Abyss’, where he is also […]
These blogs tackle Bible myths―like urban myths, but which make regular appearances in Sunday sermons! I bet you can quote this one by heart, probably in the old King James: I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help (Psalm 121:1). So what’s wrong with that? Everyone knows we find encouragement from appreciating the Lord’s […]
All God’s promises have conditions attached. Apparently he’s made over 6,000 in Scripture, but I haven’t counted them. They are not unconditional. What do I mean? Exodus 15:26: “If you listen carefully… and keep all his decrees… I am the Lord, who heals you.” See the “IF”? Another one: 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people… will humble themselves and pray…I… […]
At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples in the upper room, right? Everyone knows that! Let’s look at it again. Acts 2:1: ‘They were all together in one place.’ No mention of an upper room. Verse 2: ‘and filled the whole house where they were sitting. No mention of a prayer meeting either. Anyway, they would usually stand […]
So in the middle of his message the preacher tossed out an aside, ‘Well, of course, angels don’t sing.’ I stopped in my tracks! Surely he knew his carols? I forgot the rest of his sermon, but like the Bereans in Acts 17, I couldn’t leave it alone. First, I checked out the shepherds. The angels announce Jesus’ birth. Suddenly a […]