Do you come “for” or “with”?

1 Corinthians 14:26 says, “When you come together, everyone has a hymn, a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.” Verse 31: “For you can all prophesy…”

But when we come together, we sing rehearsed songs, listen to a prepared message, and drink coffee. When do we participate?

If we come “for” the worship, the word, or the fellowship, we’re consumers. If we come “with” gifts for others, we’re servants.

The Bible tells us we are all unique with unique gifts so that we need each other and serve each other. God’s purpose can only be fulfilled when we are all using the gifts God has given. We come alive when we’re on purpose.

God gave the gifts of the Spirit because he needs them to build his church. Without them the church is disabled, unable to function as our Lord intends.

The Future

God loves his church, in whatever form or culture. But church culture also has seasons. I believe the attraction church model (lights, platform, music, big welcome) has done great service over a generation. Millions have come to Christ, but the Spirit is moving on.

It’s a trap to settle where the Spirit blessed before. Denominations are founded on yesterday’s move of God.

I see a future of smaller churches focusing on deeper relationships, repentance, accountability, and mission. Every member, no matter how new, should be on mission. Bonnke said, “The church is not a pleasure boat; it’s a life boat, with all hands on deck!”

So what’s your gift? What’s your role? Do you go to church ‘”for” something, or “with” something? It changes our whole paradigm.